Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary 76045

Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 1
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 1
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 2
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 3
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 4
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 5
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 6
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 7
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 8
Roots and Wings: Peter Schreyer: Designer, Artist, and Visionary - фото 9
2 300,00 грн

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3500 грн
Roots and Wings explores the life and work of Peter Schreyer, one of the most influential car designers of our time. A Renaissance man with an eye for detail and foresight for innovation, he geared himself toward success. Responsible for the births of some of the 20th-century's most iconic cars, his industry experience brought instant classics to the road. From humble beginnings in Germany’s divided south to his new base in Seoul, Schreyer embodies a conduit between the west and east?bridging his homeland’s history of automotive design with South Korea, a country that has experienced stratospheric growth on the world stage in just a few decades. Looking at the formative moments and pivotal artistic discoveries that shaped his creative mindset, Roots and Wings is the never-before-told story of how a man reimagined a car brand and left a mark on history in the process.
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