The Lord of the Rings Book 2 The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien 16230

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The Fellowship was scattered. Some were bracing hopelessly for war against the ancient evil of Sauron. Some were contending with the treachery of the wizard Saruman. Only Frodo and Sam were left to take the accursed Ring of Power to be destroyed in Mordor-the dark Kingdom where Sauron was supreme. Their guide was Gollum, deceitful and lust-filled, slave to the corruption of the Ring.
Thus continues the magnificent, bestselling tale of adventure begun in The Fellowship of the Ring, which reaches its soul-stirring climax in The Return of the King.
The Lord of the Rings Book 2 The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien
- ISBN9780007488339
- Автор
- ОбкладинкаPaperback
- ФорматA-5
- Стор.352
- Рік видання2012
- Мова
НОВА ПОШТА - від 70 грн
УКРПОШТА - від 55 грн
КУР’ЄР (Нова пошта) - від 100 грн
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