Top Readers Level 2 Книга для читання 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Elementary Book with Glossary Mitchell H.Q. MM Publications 27465
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Top Readers Level 2 Книга для читання 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Elementary Book with Glossary Mitchell H.Q. MM Publications. An American frigate, tracking down a ship-sinking monster, faces not a living creature but an incredible invention - a fantastic submarine commanded by the mysterious Captain Nemo. Suddenly a devastating explosion leaves just three survivors, who find themselves prisoners inside Nemo's death ship on an underwater odyssey around the world from the pearl-laden waters of Ceylon to the icy dangers of the South Pole... as Captain Nemo, one of the greatest villians ever created, takes his revenge on all society.
Top Readers Level 2 Книга для читання 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Elementary Book with Glossary Mitchell H.Q. MM Publications
- ISBN9789604433308
- Видавництво
- Автор
- ОбкладинкаМ'яка
- ФорматА-5
- Рік видання2019
- Тип
- Предмет
- Мова
- Рівень
НОВА ПОШТА - від 70 грн
УКРПОШТА - від 55 грн
КУР’ЄР (Нова пошта) - від 100 грн
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